



Job photos of completed jobs done recently


Photos here get added regularly and you can expect to see new updates on a regular basis.  Some photos are metal roofing and others are shingled.  There is even one with blue felt on it without shingles.  That picture is synthetic felt called palisade This is one of the leading items we use that can protect you home from huge damages.  You can find more out about this material at there website by clicking here.  If winds or a tornado damage  your shingles this underlayment is still going to protect the inside of your house from the rain that follows.

metal roofing vs shingle roofing

look at the pictures of metal roofs they do cost more by far but with the procedures of baked on paint they are now saying you can get 100 years out of one of these.  You can also add insulation under it to add an r value for your hvac system.  you can place one of these on a 2 layer roof legally without any tear off.  It is also being green considering there is no debris making it in landfills.    They make a nice looking roof and they are starting to become more popular with the rising cost of asphalt shingles.  There isn’t that big of a cost difference when you do go over the existing shingles!

TitPhoto’s of jobs completed or being completedl

New construction work.

metal siding repair

Repair a valley

new construction

metal roof install

power washing makes a difference

Palisade synthetic felt

Metal roof install before and after

3 day 80 sq new construction in timber valley subdivision

Soffit repair

Metal roof removed, resheeted, reshingled

2 Layer Tear off reshingle